Use the Gilded Savings Calculator to visualize you financial gowth over time. Enter you average rate
of return, your initial deposit, and produce estimates for how long it will take to save to a certain
The maturity of an asset
essentially means how long you intend to hold it. The term
is most often used to describe bonds. For example, if
someone said their US Treasury bond had a 10 year maturity,
it means that in 10 years time, they recieve both their
principal deposit and their last coupon payment.
Compound interest refers to when
interest gets added to the principal investment, and then
the interest rate applies to the total principal (principal
investment + interest payments). For example, say you invest
$100 with an interest rate of 10% compounded annually for
10 years. After the first year, you would have $110 (10% of
$100 is $10). After the second year, you would have $121 (10% of
$110 is $11). Finally, after 10 years, you would have
The rate of return determines what percentage of
the money you invested or saved in a bank
account you get back on your investment. A high
rate of return means that for every dollar you
invested, you are going to get more back in
interest payments than with a low rate of
return. But be mindful - assets with high rates
of return generally also have high risk.
Inflation is essentially a decline of purchasing power over time. Inflation occurs when prices rise. For example, in 1970 a cup of coffee costed 25 cents. In 2000 a cup of coffee costed 1 dollar, and in 2022, a cup of coffee costs 1.85 dollars. This is an example of how inflation affects prices; the 25 cents that used to buy a cup of coffee now only buys about 1/7th of a cup of coffee. In it's essence, inflation means you need more dollars to buy any one thing.